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Educational Technology 2

Lesson 11: The Computer as the Teacher’s Tool Reflection: Computer doesn’t replace the teacher, instead, it is a tool that helps the teacher completes something, and especially to make the teaching- learning process become effective. Wherein computer is very useful to access information, provide the avenue for creativity, and it has made communication easier. And also, it is important for the teachers to practice their skills about computer to really give worth that computer serves as a teacher’s tool in teaching- learning process. Lesson 12: Information Technology in Support of Student-Centered Learning   Reflection: For me, if I choose between Student-Centered Learning classroom and Traditional classroom, I’d rather choose SCL classroom because I think this is more effective than TC. In the sense that, in SCL classroom students are more independent with their learning’s because they are the one that seeks or discover the information and share it to the

Lesson 9: Computer as Information and Communication Technology

Reflection: Computer is much recognized in 21 st century as medium of information and communication technology with the use of different programs such as Google, yahoo and MSN. Computer as medium of information, this helps especially the students and teachers. Research Projects and assignments are readily available in the internet which is more convenient to the part of the students. Lessons or a topic that needs clarifications or clear explanations are present in the internet as long as it is from the reliable sources is also convenient to the part of the teachers. Moreover, computer as communication helps students, teachers and relatives to communicate through online. Specific example is, sending files through email or Gmail which is very convenient to the sender and receiver.

Lesson 8: Higher Thinking Skills through IT Based Projects

Reflection: IT based projects engaged the students in higher thinking skills because students use technologies in enhancing one’s mind. One of the IT based project is the resource based project in which students find information that is  go beyond the textbook and curriculum materials wherein students get information’s by browsing the internet which gives the students easy access of information and better way of understanding because of several of information that students can find from it. Thus, IT based projects help the students think logically, critically and creatively which is very useful nowadays as we live in a world of modern technology.

Lesson 6: Enters a New Learning Environment

Reflection: The four models of learning is very important in integrating technology in teaching learning process because learning can be used not only in school but real life situation also. In meaningful learning students must find connections between what they already know and what they can learn. In discovery learning, students discover new ideas through experiencing or experimenting. In generative learning, students learn what can be done with the information by generating their own. In Constructivist learning, students build their own personal understanding to form knowledge. Therefore, students must be engage in these four models of learning to produce competitive students.

Lesson 4: Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology in Instruction

Reflection: In traditional way of teaching, teachers used books, paper, pencil and chalk, and chalkboard as visual materials in introducing the topic to the students. Nowadays, in modern times technology has been used in introducing the topic to the classroom and PowerPoint is the most commonly use visual aid in introducing the topic in which teaching learning process is more effective because it is more clearer to the student that motivates them to listen and gives focus to the lesson because the teacher can add pictures, displays animations and etc. In which it can get the students interest. In integrating technology in instruction, teachers have a big role in planning the integration because not all computer games, application and software relates to the lesson. Therefore, teachers must be careful enough in integrating technology to the lesson. And also, in integrating technology to the lesson, it must occupy from simple to complex way in the instructional process namely

Lesson 3: Educational Technology in the Asia Pacific Region

Reflection: In this lesson, I was able to know that there are countries that are progressive when it comes to the development of computer. Philippine schools compared with schools in progressive countries in Asia Pacific region is very far it is because the government has inadequate support to Philippine education to sustain the needs for good education. Considering that the public schools in the Philippines has an average of 1000 students in each school in which it is very much impossible to cater all the students, knowing that, learning computer skills needs hands on application for better understanding.